Dylan Rapillard b.1979 is a visual artist from The Bahamas and Switzerland.
Rapillards primary focus over the last three years has been creating three separate series of works.
“Quantum objects”, a series of works using common craft , industrial, household and found materials to create kinetic sculptures. Rapillard asks the viewer to interact or “create” the work as opposed to solely looking at it. These pieces are small, colorful and toy-like in nature beckoning the inner child in the observer.
“Keep to the center”, a series of balancing sculptures created as a subtle reminder to stay in mental and physical equilibrium. That no matter how large or irregular an object is, there remains a center on which it balances perfectly without force.
“Paradox of the potted plant” These oil paintings are still lifes of potted plants and flowers painted in a deconstructed expressionist fashion. The body of work is an allegory of the artist's existence, among others, being radically changed from “life as we knew it” due to the recent pandemic.
Previous work has been described as a juxtaposition and merging of painterly styles and philosophies with a primary focus on current social issues ranging from the use of the internet and social media, apathy in society, perspective within the human condition and the memento mori.
Rapillard has created a variety of work including painting, sculpture, textile design, printmaking, mixed media, murals, installations, furniture and set design.
Group Shows, Public /Private Projects
Bottoms Up, (Mural), Sandbar Bar and Grill, Oct. 2019
The Way, Studio Assistant, Dede Brown, Nassau Airport, Jan.-June 2018
Fairwind Exhibition, Baha Mar, Oct. 2018
Re: Encounter, Studio assistant, Dede Brown, NAGB, Sept.-Oct. 2017
Wham Pow, (Mural), Private residence Paradise Island, Aug.-Sept. 2017
The unseen structure, Studio assistant, John Cox, NAGB, July 2017
World oceans Day, (Mural), NAGB, June 2017
Butterfly Blues, collab Dede Brown, Baha Mar, May 2017
Just another version of you, collab Dede Brown, Baha Mar, May 2017
Ibis Sculpture, Studio Assistant Dede Brown, Baha Mar, April-May 2017
Pineapple Lamps, Studio Assistant, Tyrone Ferguson, Feb.-March 2017
La Pinede, (Residency), Switzerland, June-Nov. 2016
No Filter, John Watlings, May 2016
Triple Double,Popopstudios, March 2016
Starry Starry Night, CAF, December 2015
Perspective (stool design), SLS Hotels, April 2015
La Mer (Mural), Baha Mar, Jan-Mar 2015
Antillean: An ecology, NAGB, Dec.-June 2014
Best Foot Forward, Popopstudios, August 2014
Original Tees, Popopstudios, August 2013
Tickle Me Pink, Central Bank, March 2013
Open Studios, Popopstudios, July 2013
Sketch 24, Popopstudios, January 2013
Kingdom Come, NAGB, Dec-June 2013
Open Studios, Popopstudios, August 2012
Taking Flight, Studio assistant, Dede Brown, Nassau Airport Jan-June 2012
Wine and Art, BahamasNational Trust, Nov. 2011
Place Image Here, Popopstudios, May 2011
Sketch 24, Popopstudios, April 2011
Peep Show, Popopstudios, Mar 2011
Dichotomy, Central Bank, April 2010
What is your carbon footprint, NAGB, Dec. –June 2010
Wine and Art, Bahamas National Trust, Nov. 2010
Redefining the portrait, Central Bank, Oct. 2010
Figure Ground, Popopstudios, Jan. 2010
Wine and Art, Bahamas National Trust, Nov. 2009
The Art of Can, The Hub, Sept. 2009
In the trenches, Popopstudios, April 2009
Untitled, Central Bank, March 2009
Sugar, Popopstudios, Oct Nov 2008
Professional Experience
Master Printer/Textile Designer, Bahama Hand Prints, 2006 - 2016
Curatorial Work
Transforming Spaces 2015 Popop Studios
International Projects
Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton, 2013
Watercolor, Panam Games, Textile Museum of Canada, 2015
Event décor and set design
Paradise Plates, Hands For Hunger, 2010
The Tempest, Shakespeare in Paradise, 2009
Midsummer night’s dream, Shakespeare in Paradise, 2010
Othello, Shakespeare in Paradise, 2011
Bahamas Heart Foundation, Cancer Society of The Bahamas, Hands For Hunger, Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas, Charitable Arts Foundation, Popop Studios, Bahamas Humane Society